Thursday, March 24, 2011

Ryan Adams...folk rock star?

Have you ever assumed just because you knew all about an artist that everyone else did too? Then suddenly you throw a name out there and you get crazy looks? Well a couple of weeks ago I was watching American Idol when Paul McDonald (someone I will be writing about soon) performed a Ryan Adams song. I was ecstatic to hear one of my favorite artists on Idol.  After his performance, Jennifer Lopez pointed out that she liked the song but she wasn't familiar with the artist.  I was stunned, but I don't know why.
Ryan Adams is a prolific songwriter, he's recorded over ten albums, but mainstream success isn't something he's achieved.  It's worth noting that mainstream success isn't something he's exactly sought either. Without radio airplay most people just aren't going to hear an artist like Ryan Adams or many of the artists I plan to write about.

I first came across Ryan Adams back in 2001 shortly after September 11th.  He had a video for a song called "New York New York" that received a slight amount of airplay. I immediately bought his album "Gold" and I thought it was amazing. I loved his mix of folk and alt-country. If you listen to one song off that album you must listen to "The Rescue Blues". The next several years I listened to everything he had to offer and realized he was one of the most broad songwriters and musicians I had ever heard.

Ryan Adams started his career playing in the band Whiskeytown in the Raleigh, NC area.  They released three albums in the late 90's and their music is definitely worth checking out.  Around 2000, the band called it quits and Adams launched his solo career. He first released the album "Heartbreaker" in 2000 and one of the songs off that record, "To Be Young", was featured  in the movie "Old School".  Adams has continued to release albums steadily since his debut.  He always has a story to tell and when you listen to his songs he makes you feel like you're sitting right beside him tapping your feet right along with the song.  Through his music you can really feel a connection to his life experiences.  His lyrics can be a bit abstract at times but the more time you spend with the songs the more you feel that connection.

I think everyone in life has those songs that take you back to a moment in life. Sometimes it's a certain song or just a song by a certain artist. I met my wife on June 25th, 2007, the next day I bought the album "Easy Tiger" by Ryan Adams.  Thanks to that album and his music it's like having a time machine to go back in time and relive that wonderful week.  That's what great artists have the ability to do, transport you back to another time and place. Ryan Adams is one of those artists.

Three songs to listen to: "The Rescue Blues", "Oh My Sweet Carolina", "Let it Ride"
Check out to learn more!

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